🎅 LINQing Up Christmas: .NET 9 Features in Action

In November 2024, Microsoft released .NET 9 and C# 13. There are all sorts of gifts for .NET developers in this release. Today, I want to share one of my favorite ones – the LINQ updates! What better way to share news at this time of year but with a holiday theme – and especially as this post is a part of C# Advent!

Index: Ranking Santa’s Reindeer for the Big Night 🦌

The first method I want to point out is Index. It is a new method for IEnumerable collections and returns a tuple of (int index, TSource item). Consider this block of code, which will output each reindeer and their position:

var reindeerNames = new[] 
    "Dasher", "Dancer", "Prancer", "Vixen", "Comet", "Cupid", "Donner", "Blitzen", "Rudolph" 

var reindeerIndex = reindeerNames.Index();

foreach (var (index, name) in reindeerIndex)
    Console.WriteLine($"{name} is at position {index + 1}");

The output will look something like this:

Dasher is at position 1
Dancer is at position 2
Rudolph is at position 9

When you need to show positions of items within an IEnumerable, then Index is your go-to!

CountBy: Tallying Santa’s Toy Inventory 🎁

The next method I want to mention is CountBy. This allows you to easily aggregate by a group and get the counts for that group.

Consider this code that will get us the count for each of these presents:

var gifts = new[]
    "Doll", "Train", "Doll", "Bicycle", "Train", "Doll", "Bicycle", "Puzzle"

var giftCounts = gifts.CountBy(gift => gift);

foreach (var (gift, count) in giftCounts)
    Console.WriteLine($"{gift}: {count}");

How many dolls, trains, bicycles, and puzzles does he have?

Doll: 3
Train: 2
Bicycle: 2
Puzzle: 1

Use CountBy when it comes to counting in groups.

AggregateBy: Weighing the Sleigh for Christmas Eve 🛷

The last method I want to mention for LINQ in .NET 9 is AggregateBy. This allows us to calculate aggregates over a grouping.

In this sample, Santa wants to know the weights for the different types of toys on his sleigh.

Consider this code:

var toys = new[]
    new { Category = "Stuffed Animal", Weight = 1.5 },
    new { Category = "Train Set", Weight = 3.0 },
    new { Category = "Stuffed Animal", Weight = 2.0 },
    new { Category = "Puzzle", Weight = 0.8 },
    new { Category = "Train Set", Weight = 2.5 }

var totalWeightsByCategory = toys.AggregateBy(
    toy => toy.Category,
    seed: 0.0,
    (total, toy) => total + toy.Weight

foreach (var (category, totalWeight) in totalWeightsByCategory)
    Console.WriteLine($"{category}: {totalWeight} lbs");

This is the report of the weights for each of the toy categories:

Stuffed Animal: 3.5 lbs
Train Set: 5.5 lbs
Puzzle: 0.8 lbs

There are plenty of other examples out there where you see AggregateBy used with sums. But what else can it be used for? Consider this use where we try to find the toy with the longest name in each category:

var specificToys = new[]
    new { Category = "Stuffed Animal", Name = "Teddy Bear" },
    new { Category = "Stuffed Animal", Name = "Elephant" },
    new { Category = "Train Set", Name = "Steam Engine Deluxe" },
    new { Category = "Puzzle", Name = "3D Castle Puzzle" },
    new { Category = "Train Set", Name = "Freight Train" }

var longestToyNamesByCategory = specificToys.AggregateBy(
    toy => toy.Category,
    seed: "",
    (currentLongest, toy) => toy.Name.Length > currentLongest.Length ? toy.Name : currentLongest

foreach (var (category, longestName) in longestToyNamesByCategory)
    Console.WriteLine($"{category}: {longestName}");

Notice that the seed is a string in this case. That’s because we’re working with strings instead of ints. The output looks like this:

Stuffed Animal: Teddy Bear
Train Set: Steam Engine Deluxe
Puzzle: 3D Castle Puzzle 

Now these have some pretty simple seed types. What if we wanted to find the most expensive toy by category? Consider this code:

 var pricedToys = new[]
    new { Category = "Stuffed Animal", Name = "Teddy Bear", Price = 25.00m },
    new { Category = "Stuffed Animal", Name = "Elephant", Price = 30.00m },
    new { Category = "Train Set", Name = "Steam Engine Deluxe", Price = 50.00m },
    new { Category = "Puzzle", Name = "3D Castle Puzzle", Price = 20.00m },
    new { Category = "Train Set", Name = "Freight Train", Price = 35.00m }

var mostExpensiveToysByCategory = pricedToys.AggregateBy(
    toy => toy.Category,
    seed: (Name: "", Price: 0.00m),
    (current, toy) => toy.Price > current.Price ? (toy.Name, toy.Price) : current

foreach (var (category, mostExpensive) in mostExpensiveToysByCategory)
    Console.WriteLine($"{category}: {mostExpensive.Name} (${mostExpensive.Price})");

Notice that the seed has both a string and a decimal. As for the accumulator function, we pass in both the accumulator as well as a toy object. If the toy’s price is greater than the current largest price, then replace the current accumulator with the new toy. Otherwise, that toy is still the largest. The key is the toy’s category – so we’ll get the most expensive toy object for each category.

This is the output:

Stuffed Animal: Elephant ($30.00)
Train Set: Steam Engine Deluxe ($50.00)
Puzzle: 3D Castle Puzzle ($20.00)

Conclusion: Bringing Holiday Cheer to Your Codebase 🎄

.NET 9’s new LINQ features, like CountBy, AggregateBy, and Index, are gifts that keep on giving for developers. Just as St. Nicholas carefully organizes his toys, sleigh, and reindeer to ensure a magical holiday, these features help you streamline your data queries and improve code readability.

Whether you’re tallying toys, weighing sleighs, or finding the most expensive gift, these tools empower you to solve real-world problems with elegance and efficiency. So, unwrap these LINQ features in your next project and make your code shine brighter than Rudolph’s nose! 🎅✨

By sadukie

2 thoughts on “🎅 LINQing Up Christmas: .NET 9 Features in Action”
  1. We could always get indices from LINQ with things.Select((t, i) => (t, i)) using tuples or things.Select((t, i) => new { Thing = t, Index = i }) using anonymous objects. I wonder if the new .Index() method is just shorthand for doing the same, or if it differs somehow.

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