The Plight of Women in Tech Lately
A couple articles/incidents got me thinking, and I wanted to get my thoughts out there. Boston API Jam – a Hackathon for “Brogrammers” The Boston API Jam, organized by Sqoot,…
Helping techies grow throughout their careers
A couple articles/incidents got me thinking, and I wanted to get my thoughts out there. Boston API Jam – a Hackathon for “Brogrammers” The Boston API Jam, organized by Sqoot,…
I have no problem identifying with being a geekette (as is obvious with my domain name). However, I do have a problem with one of the more recent geekette shirts…
While I’m a C# and ASP.NET dev by day, I am programming language and automation junkie. My current interests lie in PowerShell. A friend of mine talked me into tech…
While catching up on Twitter, I came across this post titled “Sex and the Single Geek Girl: Half a Geek Couple?”. I was curious to see what a single geek…
So Mike knows that some of us were band dorks (and orch dorks too!) and some of us still play some kind of musical instrument. But he wants to know…