Starting a New Chapter in my Career…
753,120 minutes… 753,120 moments so dear753,120 minutes… how do you measure, measure a career? Today marks my 4 years, 3 months, 2 weeks, and 3 days anniversary at OverDrive, Inc.…
Helping techies grow throughout their careers
753,120 minutes… 753,120 moments so dear753,120 minutes… how do you measure, measure a career? Today marks my 4 years, 3 months, 2 weeks, and 3 days anniversary at OverDrive, Inc.…
I’ve recently become the owner of a Dell Latitude E6520, and while reinstalling my software, I figured I’d get my Zune software installed so that my Zune HD could sync…
Cesar Milan has a way with dogs; he is known as The Dog Whisperer. He manages to get even the most misunderstood dog to not be as bad as its…
Yesterday, I got the news that I’ve been renewed as a Microsoft MVP in Visual C#! Thanks to those who’ve thought I’ve contributed to the C# community and developer community…
While talking with friends, I recently learned of some passwords being accessible in plain text in one of the applications that many of us have used at one point or…
My friend Jeff wrote an interesting post titled “Mobile games should revisit the past…“. Being a gamer myself, I figured I’d weigh in on this. Gamer Background First of all,…
Not only did I say goodbye to BlogEngine.NET, but I’ve also decided to cut my ties with DiscountASP.NET. I don’t need .NET hosting for what I do and now nor…
My last post got me thinking… Why am I using such a primitive blogging system? As much as I like to blog, I don’t like having to troubleshoot my blog…
As many of you know, I’ve had issues with these guys in the past. I had a credit card that got flagged with fraudulent charges a lot – the problem…
As I play with browsers, I’ve fallen for Internet Explorer 9. It isn’t as much of a hassle to develop for anymore, finally choosing standards that seem to be close…