Review of Introducing EventStorming

Rating: 4 out of 5.

While the edition from LeanPub is unfinished, it contains a wealth of information to get started with EventStorming. From explaining the process, the supplies, patterns and anti-patterns, and describing the facilitator’s role and observation, there is a lot on how the EventStorming process works and what it could be used for.

I initially got this book to peek at a process that reminded me of many of the Agile processes I learned ages ago. This book solidified my suspicions and gives me more to run with for other applications not covered in this book.

If this were a completed book, I could see this getting to 5 stars. It’s only at 4 stars because there are a bunch of incomplete sections. Again – well worth it even in its incomplete state!

See Also: Goodreads

By sadukie

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