The Work/Life/Community Tightrope Walk…

With work/life balance being a questionable topic for some, I figured I would share what it’s like here.  If you haven’t seen me in the community in awhile, there’s a lot going on at work and also need to spend time with my family every now and then as well.

Between now and the beginning of May, if I seem a little chaotic, it’s because I’m walking on a tightrope as carefully as can be.  The work/life/community tightrope is crazy right now!


  • Onboarding a new team member next week
  • Working on things for a big launch on 4/1
  • Helping prepare for a new cohort on 4/17
  • Eventually preparing for another new cohort on 5/8


  • 2 Birthdays in beginning/mid-April
  • Easter

Work – Cleveland Tech Consulting

  • I’m going through the R Specialization on Coursera.
  • I’m also working on revamping Cleveland Tech Events since the calendar plugin isn’t enough for what we need.


  • Speaking on Visual Studio 2017 at The Software Guild – Akron Meetup
  • Speaking on Mentoring for Akron AITP
  • Helping with International Space Apps Challenge in Cleveland
  • Coordinating the volunteers for Stir Trek

I keep “doing” and then look back later wondering “how?!?”  Such is the life of Sadukie!

By sadukie

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